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911 Address Request

Please read over the needed information below before clicking the link above.

Required information before

clicking the link:

1) PID of parcel/tract to which house/cabin is/will be located

2)Contact information for person requesting address

3) Parcel Ownership Information


    A) Form has a map that will adjust to             your location. If you are not at                 property then you will need to                     scroll for Edwards County and find             your property manually.


    B) GPS Coordinates of the location of the ENTRY POINT to the property where you enter from a public or named road.

Instructions After Clicking Link

1) You will be taken to an "Address Request Form"

2) Enter property and contact information on application

3)Click "Submit"

4) Allow a few days to receive a confirmation email of the address

5) After you receive address, contact nearest post office to see if they service that specific address  and request city & zip code 

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